Monday, August 20, 2018

Cannock Week #9

Hi Everyone!

This has been a good week.  We've had some cool stuff happen!

We were able to do a chapel tour with Jamie, so that was good.  He even downloaded the Gospel Library App!  He is such a stud he even changed his Whatsapp profile picture to a picture of the painting of Moroni burying the golden plates.  The man is super elect - he just doesn't realize it yet so we'll keep working on that!

We also had a good lesson with Chloe and she opened up about the things that are holding her back and it was good.  She needs to exercise a little more faith and trust that the Lord will take care of her when she does what He asks her to do.  She's at a crossroads right now so if you all could pray for her it would be really good.

That's pretty much all that has happened this last week.  We weren't able to teach Stefan or Isaac sadly, but we will keep working with them, of course.  Life is good in Cannock!  Elder Misalucha is a stud and my District is exciting so  I can't ask for much more.  I haven't been taking loads of pictures, unfortunately, but I'll send what I have.

Love y'all!

Chapel tour with Jamie!

The District

with Elder Misalucha

Monday, August 13, 2018


Hi Everyone

I've had a busy P Day and haven't been very good at managing my time today, so this will be another short one.  This week was good though!  Some of the highlights were:

#1  We were able to teach Jamie again!  It was mainly introducing him to Elder Misalucha, but we were able to teach a little and he is becoming more comfortable with prayer, so that is good!  We also have a chapel tour set up for Tuesday so hopefully that helps him become a little more comfortable with coming to church.

#2  We weren't able to have a good lesson with Chloe this week so we weren't able to put her on a date, but we will be going by tonight to teacher her so hopefully we will be able to do that there.

#3  We got a member referral!  A young guy, about my age, named Stefan lives with some members who just moved into the ward and we are going to be teaching him, so hopefully that goes well.  He has a strong Northern Irish Protestant background so that may bring up some interesting things, but we will move forward in faith!

It has been so nice having people to work with here in this area. 

It sounds like a good week back at home.  It seems there has been much celebrating, getting together, eating cake, and good times!  Happy 18th Birthday this week to Tessa!  And good luck starting uni!  You'll be great!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

-Elder Lott

Monday, August 6, 2018


Hi Everyone

I don't have much time so here is a quick rundown on some highlights of my week.

We helped a family move houses this week and it was loads of fun.  We were even able to discuss the gospel a little bit with one of the non-members.

We are teaching a girl named Chloe.  She was going to be baptized earlier this year but she had some really tough struggles and things fell through.  She came to church Sunday and we are hoping to reschedule her to be baptized soon.  Please pray for her.

Jamie has been sick so we haven't been able to meet with him this week.

We taught Isaac and read 2 Nephi 31 with him.  He is at Youth Camp right now.  He's just such a solid guy.

My new companion is from Bagio in the Philippines and his name is Elder Misalucha.  His last name translates to "Holy Wrestler".

Have a great week everyone!


Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...