Monday, December 31, 2018


Hi Everyone!

First off, CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah and Sebastian on their wedding this past week!  I wish I could have been there but I am very happy to hear that your day was so good.  It sounds like it was a really great time and the pictures look really good as well.  Everybody seems really happy in them and they all look great.

It was really good to talk to all of you on Christmas!  I have been missing everybody a lot lately and it was nice to see everyone. 

All of the changes in church meetings will be exciting!  I'm sure there will be some growing pains over the next few month, but I'm sure everybody will figure it out before too long.  At least I hope so!

As always, I'm sad I missed out on all of the fun.  I'm happy for you Sarah and Sebastian.

Have a wonderful week everybody!  And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

-Elder Lott

Monday, December 24, 2018


Hi Everyone!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas tomorrow!

I'll be calling home tomorrow at 4:30 pm here.  I think it's 9:30 in Utah.  I won't write a longer email today become we have loads to do and not much time.  I'll talk to you tomorrow!!!

Love you!

Photos from our phone call with Zach on Christmas Day 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018


Hello All!

We've had a good week!  Not much has happened, but we've taught Nancy and Christina, so that's been nice!  We also had a Zone Preparation Day today which was a lot of fun!  We have so many good missionaries in the Zone and it's a lot of fun to be with them.

On a sadder note, I didn't pass my practical driving test.  Hurrah for second chances though! I was close but made one mistake one too many times so no luck.  I didn't check my blind spots enough for the English.  I'll get some more training and keep my head on a swivel more fully next time!

We have Zone Conference this week so that'll be good!

A cool scripture I read this week is D&C 124:49 and it says,

   Verily, verily, I say unto you, that when I give a commandment to any of the sons of men to do a work unto my name, and those sons of men go with all their might and with all they have to perform that work, and cease not their diligence, and their enemies come upon them and hinder them from performing that work, behold, it behooveth me to require that work no more at the hands of those sons of men, but to accept of their offerings.

I really like that scripture because it's a principle we hear a lot about in the church from a person's point of view so I thought i was cool to hear God's point of view on it.

Love you all!

-Elder Lott

December District Leadership Conference

Another one

Monday, December 10, 2018


The biggest things that happened this week were Christina and Nancy. We taught Christina yesterday after church and we had a really good lesson with her.  She has a lot of the apostasy Christian beliefs very firmly rooted in her mind, but she is also willing to listen to us.  When we taught her about the Book of Mormon she looked at us like we were silly for asking her if it was important that she knew if it was true or not, so that was good!  she's busy with Uni for the next few days though, so we'll try to teach her over Facebook or something like that!  We are meeting with Nancy this Thursday, which is good.  We had quite a lull in our meetings with her so it'll be really good to get back to that and help her progress again!

My new companion Elder Waterbohr is really good!  He's a super solid missionary and a really good guy.  He speaks very good English as he learned it in school (most of the people in Germany do) and has spoken it for many years.  He has been a great companion so far.  I'm just adjusting back to not having a North American companion with all the little cultural differences!  All is well though.

I take the driving part of my license test tomorrow!  I initially had to book it for the 17th of January but some closer days opened up.  Please pray for me! Fewer than half the people pass their first driving test over here.  While I'm confident in my driving abilities, I am a little nervous and I really don't want to take it again. haha.  I'm not super nervous, but some prayers never hurt!

No details yet on the Christmas call.

Also, we had MLC on Friday, but that's about it!

I hope everyone has a great week.

-Elder Lott
The best Christmas lights I've seen this year

MLC Meeting December 2018

A creepy ukulele in the Kettering flat

Monday, December 3, 2018


Hello All!

A good week and transfer this has been!  I'll be staying in Duston for the next 7 weeks and I'll be getting a new companion, Elder Waterbohr from Germany!  He has only been out for 2 transfers so I'm follow up training him, which will be exciting.  I am sad to see Elder Tollestrup go, but I'm really excited for the new transfer.  I'm also a little sad because Elder Tollestrup is going to Cardiff, which is the area I wanted to go to next.  But if he's there then the chances of me going there next greatly drop.  We shall see though!

This week we had Elder McLennan, one of our Office Elders, in the Zone visiting all of the District Councils to give a presentation so we spent a couple of day with him and drove him around everywhere he needed to go.  It was so much fun haha.  I love that guy so much.  He's from Scotland and he is absolutely hilarious.

We also found a couple of pretty promising people this week, which is nice!  One, named Christina, was like really happy when we said we were missionaries and I didn't know how to react.  That has never happened to me before lol.  She's really cool though!  Kinda pretty sure we will baptize her!

Elder Tollestrup and I were in Birmingham for a day this week for a doctor appointment.  Elder Tollestrup has a subfluxating shoulder which means it partially dislocates when he moves it.  It's pretty exciting to watch.

We're still working with Nancy.  Please keep her in your prayers.  Hopefullly we can get a ccouple of things moving along so she will be able to be baptized soon.  We shall see!

Well, I think that's pretty much it!  I can't believe I've been in this area for 2 transfers!  It feels like I"ve been here for a month or so.  I'm excited for more time here!

A scripture I liked this week is 3 Nephi 9:13.

13. O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they, will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?

I really like that because it explains the attitude Christ has when we make a mistake!  He wants us to return so He can heal us,  He never will push us away.  The only thing between us and Christ is ourselves.

Have a wonderful week!  Love you all!

-Elder Lott

Northampton Missionaries!

Northampton District Council with Elders Davey and Vuki

Ramsey District Council

Milton Keynes District Council

Elder McLennan snoozing

I tried to draw Elder Tollestrup

Elder Tollestrup drew me


Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...