Monday, April 29, 2019



This has been a good week!  Again, nothing super thrilling but we've had some good things happening.  We received a referral from Temple Square early in the week and have been messaging with him and we have a teach set up for Friday so hopefully that goes somewhere good!  We also received another referral last night so we'll see what happens there too!

There is a really cool family in our area and we are teaching their son before he gets baptized so that's a lot of fun because it lets us practice our teaching and we get to spend time with some really cool people!  We taught him the Restoration this week and are planning to teach him all of the lessons before his baptism at the end of May!

This week I went up to the Mission Office to go to a Self Reliance Meeting.  We have a self reliance center at the Mission Office and when missionaries are about 6 months away from going home they go to a meeting run by the senior couple in charge of Self Reliance.  It was a really good meeting!  We took a cool job picker test which was probably the most exciting part of the day but they also gave some really good tips on how to prepare financially for the future and the importance of taking care of yourself first because then you are able to help others.  It's hard to believe that I have been here long enough that it was time for me to go to that meeting!  Time flies.

Thanks again for the package.  I have been loving the Swedish Fish!  And the deodorant is a life saver!  Also, there was a tragedy in my mission tour transfer and I lost the trousers to one of my suits so I'm going to buy a new one either today or in the next couple of weeks so I'm not wearing the same one all over the place and all the time.  Just thought I'd let you know.

Also we get to go to Wales this week for Zone Conference!  Cardiff is such a cool city and I'm excited to go up there!

Love you all and hope you have a good week!

Elder Lott

"Today we learned about becoming wise stewards."
-Anna-Marie Heywood

Monday, April 22, 2019


Hi All!

Not loads happened last week but we did have one MASSIVE highlight!  Alex got baptized!  I'm sad that I wasn't able to be there for the end of his teaching but so grateful I was there for his baptism.  I was even able to speak at it.  He's solid and I wouldn't be surprised if he's a Bishop one day.  What a legend.

Happy Easter as well!  Jesus Christ is so amazing!  His sacrifice for us is so important and the love He shows is immeasurable.  As we do things to draw closer to Him, our lives improve and we become happier.  It works every time for me and I know it does for everybody else too.

Love you all!!!

Alex's Baptism!

Random stuff we saw this week!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Elder Lott's Easter Post April 2019

April 20, 2019

This Easter weekend I am so grateful for the gift of Jesus Christ!  No matter who we are, He loves us and we can have so much because of Him!

John 3:16-17

16.  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.....

17.  For God sent hot his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world though him might be saved.


Monday, April 15, 2019


Hi Everyone.

Finally in Bournemouth!  My companion is Elder Chick from Australia (although he now lives in New Zealand).  It's been a pretty crazy week just trying to figure out what is going on here!  There are a lot of people around here so it is a lot of fun.  The area book was a bit of a mess so we're sorting through that but we'll get there eventually!  Also, the phone has just died and I'm typing this on the computer but all of the pictures are on the phone so I'm afraid no photos this week.....

There hasn't been anything super intense of cool that has happened this week, mainly just visiting less active members and finding, so I'm afraid I don't have much to report on there.  There are some less active youth/YSA that we are going to start working with hopefully this week though and a few people the previous Elders were teaching, so hopefully we'll be able to get things going with them soon!

Love you all!  One scripture that I've really like recently and that makes me super grateful for the knowledge we gain in this church is Doctrine and Covenants 130:2.  The Plan of Salvation is so cool and the fact that we are able to live with our family and friends after this life is so good.  God loves us a lot.

Have a good week!

-Elder Lott

These photos are from a wonderful lady who lives in the Bournemouth Ward that Zach is serving in.  I appreciate her posting these photos so much!  It is good to see him and see that he seems happy!

Elder Lott and Elder Chick

At a Munch and Mingle after church

With Sister Anna-Marie Heywood and other members 
of the Bournemouth Ward

Monday, April 8, 2019


Hello all!

I'll be moving into Bournemouth tomorrow and Elder Chick will be my new companion.  He is from Australia and was actually Elder Waterbohr's trainer, so that will be fun.  My trainee is still supposed to come but we just have no idea when, so we'll be together temporarily...or permanently, depending on what happens I guess!

This has been a really good week though.  The baptism on Saturday fell through as he felt like he wanted to live it for a bit longer but we fasted with him over conference and he has decided to be baptized either this week or 2 weeks from now.  Unfortunately the Poole Elders possibly wont be here for this weekend and he is out of town next week so we might have to wait until the 27th.  He is ready to be baptized though and honestly is already pretty much a member!

I'm excited to go to Bournemouth finally!  It will be good to get where I have been meant to be for the last 5 weeks but I am sad to leave Poole and to have this crazy transfer over.  I've learned a lot so I'm very grateful for it.  Being chucked around the mission is pretty fun too because you get to see loads of places and people so that has been nice as well.

Love you all and hope this week is sublime.  Also, everybody should ready Joshua 1:9 if they haven't before.  It's a quality verse!

-Elder Lott

The Bournemouth Ward does football every Saturday and they
take a picture, so here it is.

My first and last in-person District Council of the transfer!

Monday, April 1, 2019


Howdy Everybody!

Well, I've been in Poole for a week now and it's been super ultra fun party time!  I'm with Elder Ireland from northern England and Elder Roth from Vienna.   I've gotten to know both of them pretty well over the last year or so and we are being madly blessed at this time!

My trainee hasn't come because he still doesn't have his Visa, so I'll probably be here for the rest of the week and then it's transfers so if he isn't here by then I have no idea what's going to happen to me.

But anyway, Elder Ireland and Elder Roth are two of the best missionaries I've ever served with and we are finding and teaching like crazy!  We even have a baptism lined up for Saturday!  They found him just before I got here and we've met with him a couple of times this week.  He was originally going to be baptized on the 20th but we asked him if he wanted to move it up and he did!  So that's going to be a great time!

It's been a wild transfer but I've loved it so much!  Living out of a suitcase isn't the most prime thing of all time, but I've seen loads of miracles and served with some awesome missionaries during this time as well so it's been worth it!

This afternoon for P Day we are going to the beach to play volleyball and eat pizza!

Conference is coming up so that's exciting!  Life is good!  Keep praying and reading the scriptures! (and if you're not then you should start! It helps a lot!)

Love you all!

The coast in Poole

The beach on P Day

Our member neighbor parked behind us

A piggy bank in the Bridgend flat

Elder Tollestrup at Zone Conference!

Cardiff Zone Preparation Day!

Some of my MTC group.  The sisters go home next week.

Elder Roth


Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...