Monday, August 26, 2019


Hello Everybody!

I've been absolutely loving Wolverhampton.  It is such a solid place and things are absolutely wild!  The people are hilarious and the accent is even funnier.  The ward is really awesome and I name dropped Elder Roth in my talk yesterday, who a lot of the people in the ward love, so hopefully that gets us in the door to a couple of houses.

We were on exchange with the Zone Leaders this week, who are also in Wolverhampton, and that was really fun!   I was with Elder Fenton and we had a lot of hilarious and cool conversations while we were in town.  We met a guy who called himself the "Wolverhampton Elvis" and a man who used to play for the football team in Wolverhampton and was even on one of the national reserve teams!  Cool stuff!

Well, I am loving life and Wolverhampton!  Trying to enjoy everything while I still can!

Love you all and hope you have a smashing week!

Elder Lott

the infamous Wolverhampton Elvis

Dreaming of future facial hair....

Monday, August 12, 2019


Hey Everybody!

So I'm leaving Bournemouth and will be going up north to the Lichfield Zone again to be serving in the Wolverhampton 2nd Ward!  I'm super excited because I'll be finishing in a city which is one of the greatest blessings of all.  My companion will be Elder Northcott from Canada who has also served in Bournemouth before.  Exciting times.

This was a good week though.  We taught Joseph, did some service for a few people, and had an awesome lunch yesterday with a guy named Tony, his mom, and some members in the ward.  It was a great time.

Also something cool that happened this week is that Elder Konan received his Patriarchal Blessing!  He wasn't able to get it at home because of a few different circumstances so we asked the Patriarch here who has one of the coolest names I've ever heard, Patriarch Wigglesworth, about it last Sunday and he spoke to the Stake President who spoke to President Hughes and then next thing you know we had an appointment set up.  It was a cool thing to do our last Sunday together.

Love you all and hope that this week is awesome!

-Elder Lott

A late picture from Zone Conference

Lunch yesterday

Final District Picture. 
I'm so white it hurts!


Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...