Monday, November 26, 2018


Sorry I don't have time for a long weekly.  I'll send some pictures instead.

Also, an update on Nancy.  She's off a date right now, but we are still working with her.  There are just a couple of things we need to sort with her that take time.  She has a testimony and wants to be baptized and believes the Book of Mormon but she just needs to do some things first.  We're shooting for early to mid January for her baptism.

I passed the written part of my license test so I just need to take and pass the driving part of it.

Thanks for the photos from Thanksgiving with the family there.  It looks like lots of food and fun.

We had two delicious Thanksgiving dinners here.  The members in this area are wonderful and take good care of us.  It was fun to spend some time with them all.  They had a lot of questions about Black Friday.  They do it here too, but it isn't that crazy so they asked how it was in the States.  I've only been once but I did my best to explain it!

Happy Birthday to Dad!  It looks like you had a great celebration while everyone was in town for Thanksgiving weekend.  I love you and I'm so grateful for you!!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

-Elder Lott

My first blood pudding (pig blood, pig fat, herbs and oats)  
It was weird.

Exchange with Elder Long in Ramsey

Missionary Thanksgiving

Our super steep stairs.  I'm not sure the pictures do them justice.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Hello all.  What an exciting week!  Well, kind of at least.

We had exchanges with the Kettering Elders, which was great!  We have Elder Mauro from Italy and Elder Bluth still.  Elder Mauro is hilarious and Elder Bluth and I get on super well, so it was good fun.  I got food poisoning though, so I about died the next day haha.  I was struggling!  We did some service on a members farm, which made me even more sick, so pretty much from 2:00 onward on Wednesday I was useless.  I threw up in the evening though, so I got feeling better pretty quickly after that.

I took my written driving test at 8:00 the next morning.  I wasn't feeling well at all.  But I passed!!!  Shout out to the Lord for helping me through that because I wasn't feeling ready to take a test.

We made fried chicken today for P Day and that was pretty good.  Fun stuff!

We have two Thanksgiving dinners lined up for the week!  One on Thursday with the Bates, the Senior Missionary Couple in our ward, and one on Friday with some members, so I am excited for food this week!  I hope that Thanksgiving is great fun for everyone back home!

Have a great week!

-Elder Lott

Monday, November 12, 2018


Hello All!

We had a lot happen this week!  We had Zone Conference, Mission Leadership Council, and District Leadership Council! It was also Remembrance Sunday yesterday, which is when the UK commemorates World War One and all the soldiers who died in it along with honoring all the military past and present.  We went to a Church of England service in the afternoon for it.  We also went to a short service in the evening where they lit a massive beacon that has been there since the Saxon era, Circa 680 AD.  The church building we were attending had arches outside that were as old as the beacon.  It was a really cool day!  Kind of sad because of what it was for, but we saw some really cool stuff.

Also, Nancy wants to get baptized!  We met with her this week and she has decided to work toward the 1st of December.  There are still some things to sort out with teaching and stuff, but she is progressing so well!  It has been loads of fun teaching her.

Zone Conference was good!  It was a massive rebuking session in the morning.  We even split off from the Sisters during the rebuking so it was pretty intense.  But after that it wasn't too bad.  It's always loads of fun seeing all the other missionaries and hearing from President.

Mission Leadership Council was good too.  We had some really good discussions and it made for quite a good District Leadership  Council the following day.  Elder Stock made some lasagna for that meeting as well, and it was really good!

We did Sharing Time in the Primary and it went surprisingly well!  The kids were really well behaved and it was a pleasant surprise.  We also had to go and sing to a Primary class at the request of an elderly lady in the ward and that was pretty interesting. 😂 I was glad when we were done.

We went to Five Guys today and it tasted exactly like it does in America.  What a blessing.  I miss American food so much and eating at Five Guys just brought it all back.  I had a dream I was eating Chick fil A the other night and I ate a chicken nugget with Chick fil A sauce on it, but when I put it in my mouth it tasted like curry and that is how I realized I have forgotten what it tastes like. 😭

Love you all!

at the Beacon lighting

at the Beacon lighting

The Beacon

the old Church exterior

the old Church interior

an oooold hymn book

Mission Leadership Council

The Squad

Sisters Knight and Nelson go home this transfer

Elder Misalucha

Monday, November 5, 2018


Hi Everyone.

Not a lot to write today because we did a Zone P Day and we have been here, there and everywhere and I am super short on time.  We carved pumpkins this week because nobody could before Halloween.  We had Christmas music playing too and it was quite a combo.

Congratulations to Austin and Shelby!  I'm so excited their baby is here and that everybody is well and healthy.

I am taking my written test for my license on Nov. 15.  I'm not too nervous, but it would be great is you would still pray for me.  It can't hurt.

Have a wonderful week!

-Elder Lott

The new District

Zone P Day carving pumpkins


Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...