Monday, May 27, 2019


Hello everybody!

Another transfer come and gone!

This has been a good week!  I can't remember what happened at all other than one or two things so I guess I'll tell you about that!

The last couple of weeks we have been teaching a Primary boy in the ward who was ba ptized last Saturday, so we went to that and it was great!  We even were invited to be in the confirmation circle so that was really cool as well.  It has been a lot of fun teaching him and getting to know the family a bit.  They are awesome people!

We also have a new missionary in the District.  We got a new Sister missionary from Australia this week which keeps things exciting!  Brings some diversity in accents to the group which is nice!

We also went and had a proper cheeky Nando's today with some of the District so it's been a stunning Preparation Day.

Love you all!!!

-Elder Lott

Harry's Baptism!

Elder Konan's first Fish 'n chips.  Iconic!!!

Random selfie because I took almost no pictures this week

Monday, May 20, 2019


Howdy-ho everybody!

Elder Konan has finally arrived!  Two transfers after I was supposed to get him he is here!  He's from the Ivory Coast and served there a bit after the Ghana MTC and before his Visa came through.  Luckily he does actually know some English so we're able to communicate pretty well too!  He is really quiet outside the flat but inside he is very chatty and I can understand what he's saying most of the time.  I am getting crazy flashbacks to Elder Raicevic though.  haha  It's all so similar!  Training is going well so far though!

I took the 4 hour train ride to Birmingham to pick up Elder Konan last Monday.  By the time I arrived in the afternoon and we met up it was quite late and we weren't able to make to all the way back to Bournemouth that day so we trained to Bristol and stayed the night with Elder Cribbs and Elder Erickson, which was good fun.  They are awesome guys.  Then we came the rest of the way on Tuesday and got Elder Konan settled in.  It was a lot of time on a train.

The Christchurch Sisters had a baptism last Saturday so I got to do the baptismal interview for the guy getting baptized which was good too.  Baptismal interviews are always really fun.  I really like seeing the faith of new converts and the baptismal interview is so focused on the the faith they've developed.

We've also been teaching a lady named Alia this week over WhatsApp, which has been really good.  She doesn't live in our area but was found here.  She doesn't want to meet with the missionaries where she is, so we're trying to get her to the point where she will meet with them.  She said she didn't want members from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to visit her so we were a little confused about her messaging us, but later found out she missed the name tags the first time around.  Her heart has softened to the church quite a bit over the last week though so that's good!  We are teaching her again tonight.

Not too much else to report on.  We have a couple of people in the works, but, as per usual, we need to meet with them a bit more to see where it will go!

Love you all!  Keep doing the right things!

-Elder Lott

Elder Lott and Elder Konan on the train back to Bournemouth

3 Generations
Elders Konan, Lott and Staheli

Loads of Northampton Zone from the time I served there!

Elder Waterbohr and most of his companions!

Talking to Zach and Elder Konan this morning
May 20, 2019

Look what I found!!!

Monday, May 13, 2019


Hello Everybody!

We have had a good week.  Not anything that is too exciting, but a few good things here and there!  One exciting thing we did was meet with a guy who asked us to come over to his place.  When we asked him for what reason he didn't really give us one but we went all the same and just sat there and listened to him talk for a full hour.  The two of us combined got in about 15 words so that was an experience to be sure!

It was great talking to my family yesterday for Mother's Day.  TBH, I didn't realize it was Mother's Day until the day before because Mothering Sunday (as they call it here) was on March 31, so there were no signs or cards to remind me.  But it was great to talk and get caught up.  I won't be calling today because I will be on the train for four hours heading to Birmingham to pick up my new companion.  His Visa finally came through and he should be arriving today from the Ivory Coast.  It will be an exciting experience to be sure.

We also had interviews with President Hughes this past week, which is always good.  He's an awesome Mission President and it's fun to be able to have a few minutes to talk to him in a more informal setting than usual.

We've also been teaching a boy in the ward who is about to be baptized.  The whole family is super awesome. When we had just arrived in the area the parents asked us to come and teach him so we've been going over and teaching him the basic lessons and it's been a lot of fun.  They are such an awesome family and he's getting baptized in two weeks so that will be exciting!

Love you all and hope you have a great week!

-Elder Lott

A little Mother's Day pampering for Zach

Staring Contest with Sebastian

Sebastian wins the crown!  Rematch coming soon!

Monday, May 6, 2019


Howdy ho everybody!

It has been a good week.  We had Zone Conference last week in Cardiff so we had a good time there and learned a lot.  We were also on exchange with our Zone Leaders so I was back in Poole for a bit which was nice.  I enjoyed being with Elder Ireland and Elder Roth again.

We were in Merthyr Tydfil the night before Zone Conference and I was able to see the Woods family from the Forest of Dean as they moved there a couple of weeks ago!  We went out to dinner and it was loads of fun to see them!  They are such a legendary family!

We still don't have too much happening in the area with missionary work, but some of the people we've found over the last few weeks are finally meeting with us and things are starting up!  Exciting times!

We also got news that my trainee is finally going to be coming.  He'll be here on the 14th or 15th, so we'll see how that goes.

Love you all!  Have a good week!

-Elder Lott

Elder Staheli's last Zone Conference
(Zach's 1st Companion/Trainer)

Dinner with the Woods family

@ Bournemouth Beach

Bournemouth Beach

Bournemouth Beach


Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...