Monday, May 7, 2018


This week was pretty mellow, but had some fun stuff happen.  We had Zone Conference on Tuesday where we got some nifty  new smartphones so that's cool!  It's nice to have it but still feels weird having a smartphone as a missionary.  I also went on an exchange in Stratford Upon Avon again with Elder Kjar and it was really fun!  He's a lad and I wish i had gotten a picture but forgot, so I'll get one next time.

Something else this week that was pretty crazy was we were walking home when somebody stopped us #rare and it turned out to be a former investigator.  We spoke for a little while and then he gave us his number and told us where he lives and then said to come by on Saturday mornings!  It was so cool!  My jaw is a little bruised from dropping to the pavement, but sometimes these things happen.

Wow!  I know I usually say it sounds like you had an exciting week, but this week blew all the past exciting weeks right out of the water!  Nor was it exciting in the same way!  I am happy to hear that you are doing well though Mom.

On a side note, today was a bank holiday (pretty much a national holiday) so everybody had work off and some of the Elders Quorum got together to play basketball.  It was a lot of fun and I'm already really achy so the next few days might be rough haha!

I now know when I'll be able to Skype!  It will be 3:00 PM over here which I believe is 8:00 AM for you guys.  We only have 40 minutes for this call.  I am really excited to see you guys!

This week should be good!  As all other weeks are!  Love you all and hope something cool happens before we are here again!

-Elder Lott
My Boy!

I found Elder Dodds and Elder Bassett!

Me ruining Elder Murray's fancy picture

The phone has filters and they were really entertaining!
#missionary life

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Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...