Monday, February 4, 2019

DUSTON WEEK 90 OR SOMETHING...... (actually Week 21)

Hello!  I've been really bad at weekly email.  I can't even remember what has happened since my last email and I can't remember if I sent one last week either.  I know I thought about it.....

Anyway, I'm in Duston for another transfer!  That's exciting, I've really liked it here and it's been good fun!  The ward is cool and I like the area so I'm not mad at all.

We had Zone Conference this week and that was good as always.  President Hughes is a total savage so listening to him speak is a party ten times out of ten.  Also, Elder Staheli is the new Assistant so I'll get to go on exchanges with him next week, which will be fun!  See how much things have changed over the last 13 months!

Something great...Jamie got BAPTIZED!!!  He will be good for the Cannock Branch.  He was the first baptism in 4 years or so.  It is a good branch with so many good people. 

Mom, you asked what we do on P Day.  It is usually spent at Kettering with the District and we usually play some games with everybody.  Today we played Spicy Uno and there were some bitter feelings at the end. haha  But we're all good friends and  it's a good time, our District is really great!   We have 3 Americans (2 from Utah, 1 from Arizona), a Scottish Sister, an Italian Elder, and a German Elder too.  It's a fun group!  We usually  need to drive a fair bit as well, which would give me a great opportunity to email, but I get car sick if I look at a screen for too long now, which is a pain.  Preparation days seem to be seconds long (unless we're shopping like today, then 45 minutes feels like 90) and weeks feel like days now.  It's pretty bizarre! 

Thanks for the mac n cheese for my birthday.  It is really good but wow I forgot how heavy it is.  haha.   It's so good!  We love it, but it is like a brick in our stomachs afterward.  And the Chick-fil-A sauce!!!  We went to KFC and I ate about 5 packets of it there.

There isn't a ton happening with the missionary work right now.  We have a few people who we have taught a few times but it is incredibly difficult to find someone who will actually show up to the appointment we have made with them or who wants to meet more than once or twice.  That's the main struggle.  We get a lot of phone numbers and addresses and we talk to a lot of people, but very rarely does it go beyond that.  Kind of frustrating, but we'll just keep doing it and see what happens.

And yeah, the Captain America picture!  HAHA!  A recent YSA convert made it.  Pretty funny.

I'll send along some pictures  Love you all!


Some members from Kettering came and took me out to dinner for my birthday!
(on Exchange with Elder Bluth)

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Hello Everybody! Sorry I've been absolute rubbish at sending out weekly emails this last transfer.  It's been a really good 6 week...