My companion, Elder Abecia is from Mindanao in the Philippines. He is 24 and has been a member his whole life but was less active for the majority of that time. His dad served in Quezon City Mission in 86-88.
My new District is quite different now. My last one was four Elders. Each District in my new Zone has only one set of Elders and the rest of the companionships are Sisters. I am a "Relief Society President", as dubbed by the mission. lol We actually have a Relief Society Zone. It has been fun so far though, and we all get along very well!
I'm so sorry to hear about Chase. He went out with a bang though, going to an All Blacks game his last week. That doesn't happen every day! I hope he will be able to heal quickly.
The family gathering for Parker looked like fun. I always love getting together with family. He's going to do a great job in the Philippines!
Not loads has happened this week though. Lots of tracting and getting to know the area so not much to report there. We stopped by a former investigators home and he let us in and we are going to meet with him again this week so hopefully something comes of that.
Hopefully the new week will be exciting!
-Elder Lott
A lorry stuck under a bridge in Nuneaton
Last photo with the Nuneaton District
My new District!
Tracting in the sun is always fun!
-with Elder Seth Gibson